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Policies & Procedures 7 of 15

7. Age Grade Policy

Age Grade Policy


Regulation 15 relates to youth rugby known as Age Grade rugby from
the Under 6 (U6) to Under 18 (U18) age groups.

Regulation 15 applies to both genders up to and including U12s, from
which point there are specific regulations applicable to girls’ rugby for the U13 to U18 age grades.

Regulation 15 relates to training, matches and all variations of rugby
permitted within the relevant age grade.

Attached you will find:
[1] A copy of the RFU Regulation 15.
[2] The Playing Up Form for Boys from U12 to U17


[1] Mini Squads U6 to U12
Regulation 15 defines the conditions under which Boys and Girls in the U6 to U12 Squads can train and play with other squads in the Mini Section.
a] When a player first registers with the Club their parents, guardians or carers are asked to give their consent to their children playing outside of their Age Grade in line with RFU Regulation 15.
b] Parents, guardians or carers can refuse to give their consent or remove their consent for a player to play with other squads, in line with Regulation 15, at any time.
c] Providing consent has been give the Coaching Team has the authority to decide if and when their squad, or certain individual players within their squad, can train and/or play with another squad in line with Regulation 15.

Please Note Parents, guardians or carers can't insist that their child is allowed to train or play with other squads if the Coaching Team decides that the safety of the player would be compromised.

[2] BOYS U12 to U18.
Regulation 15 defines the conditions under which Boys in the U12 to U18 Squads are allowed to Play Up providing:
a] The CRFC Head Coach, or a Level 2 Coach nominated by the CRFC Head Coach, has accessed the individual player as being capable of Playing Up and completed a CRFC Playing Up Form.
b] The player’s parent, guardian or carer has signed a CRFC Playing Up Form giving their consent for their child to Play Up.
[c] The CRFC Director of Governance has given written approval for a player to Play Up an Age Grade in line with the RFU Regulation 15. A parent, guardian or carer can withdraw their consent for a player to Play Up at any time.

Please Note: Where a player has been assessed as being capable of Playing Up a parent, guardian or carer can't insist that their child is allowed to train or play outside of their Age Grade if the Coaching Team decides that the safety of the player might be compromised.

[3] GIRLS U13 to U18.
Regulation 15.5 sets out the specific regulations applicable to U13 to U18 girls’ rugby in relation to playing out of age grade. The remainder of Regulation 15 shall continue to apply in relation to girls rugby save to the extent that it is varied by Regulation 15.5.

Playing Down.
Players in the U9 to U19 Age Grades [inclusive] can only Play Down One Age Grade in very exceptional circumstances. The CRFC Director of Governance is responsible for obtaining permission for an individual to ‘play down’ and the individual can only start to ‘play down’ after the Coaching Team has received written approval from the CRFC Director of Governance for the player to Play Down.

It is essential that we comply with Regulation 15 at all times. Any questions regarding when a player can play outside of their age grade should be directed to:

The Director of Governance
David Bennett
Mobile: 07792 000535


Regulation 15: Age Grade Rugby
