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Bleater's Blog
  1. The End of the Season Approaches
  2. Ready for the Six Nations??
  3. It Is 2025
  4. It’s Nearly The New Year
  5. The Autumn Internationals are Here!
  6. Season 24/25 is HERE!
  7. The Summer Break - Finally
  8. Summer and The Tours
  9. Cups and Playoffs
  10. The Season Run In
  11. It’s Six Nations Time!
  12. 2024 Has Arrived
  13. It’s Nearly Here…… January
  14. Countdown to Chri….. January!
  15. RWC 2023 - The Final Approaches
  16. The Summer Break
  17. Rugby World Cup 2023 Plus
  18. The Rugby World Cup Approaches
  19. The Final Countdown
  20. The Summer Tours Up Next
  21. Rugby Continues Thankfully
  22. The Six Nations - Happy Days
  23. 2023 Has Arrived
  24. The Halfway Point of the Season
  25. The Season Continues into Autumn
  26. Here we go! A new season
  27. The Twilight Zone
  28. The Season is Nearly Over
  29. The Six Nations and Some
  30. The 6 Nations Begins
  31. 2022 and All THAT!
  32. Christmas is nearly upon us!!
  33. We’re Still Waiting
  34. The Season Progresses
  35. At Last - We are back
  36. The New Season is Nearly Here
  37. Lions Tests are Here!
  38. The Lions Up next
  39. Now It’s Europe
  40. 6 Nations Beckons
  41. 2021 at last! A year of renewed hope!
  42. A New Premiership Season
  43. Still NO Grassroots Rugby!!!!!
  44. It Continues - NO GRASSROOTS RUGBY!!
  45. No End In Sight To The Madness
  46. Autumn Internationals BUT Still NO Crowds
  47. We're Back - In Part At Least
  48. The Restart is Still a Long Way Away
  49. When will we play again?
  50. Time for a beer and a haircut!!
  51. It's easing apparently???!!!
  52. Behind Closed Doors or ...... ??
  53. Lockdown or not to lockdown
  54. The Debate Continues
  55. Yet another new page
  56. The Nightmare Continues - the blog
  57. The Season Grinds to a Halt
  58. The Season Moves On
  59. It's Official - The Drought is Over
  60. 6 Nations Starts
  61. Another New Page - Sorry
  62. 6 Nations Beckons
  63. Welcome To A New Decade
  64. It'll soon be over. Xmas that is
  65. Xmas is Coming
  66. Back to the Grassroots Game
  67. Bleater in Japan
  68. The Grassroots Season Starts
  69. Not Long Now!
  70. Japan Still Beckons
  71. Japan Beckons
  72. Nearly Time To Look Ahead
  73. The Summer Break is Here
  74. The Final Countdown
  75. Yet another section of drivel
  76. The Season Continues for a Little Longer
  77. The 6 Nations Continues
  78. Six Nations and More
  79. It's RWC Year!!
  80. Its Definitely Winter
  81. Winter is here. Brrrr!!!
  82. Its the Autumn, soon to be Winter
  83. We Are Off And Running
  84. The New Season Approaches
  85. Still the Summer Tours Go On
  86. The Summer Internationals Plus, Plus
  87. The Season Climax Approaches
  88. Summer is Coming
  89. Another Section, More Drivel
  90. 2018 Already!!!! It'll soon be Xmas
  91. The Season Approaches the Half Way Point
  92. The Season Takes Shape
  93. The Season Starts
  94. More Pre-Season Build Up
  95. Pre-Season and Other Stuff
  96. The Lions Tested
  97. The Lions Roar
  98. We Are Still Counting Down
  99. It's All About The Lions
  100. The Countdown to Season's End
  101. The Season Continues Apace
  102. It's Time for the 6 Nations
  103. 2017 - Let The Fun Begin
  104. The Big Man Will Be Here Soon
  105. Let's Countdown to You Know What
  106. It's Time For Europe
  107. The Season Is Well Underway
  108. At Last Let The Competition Begin
  109. Not Long to the New Season
  110. Not So Much Rugby Now
  111. Still Plenty of Rugby to Debate
  112. The Summer Break
  113. Here Comes Summer
  114. They Think It's All Over
  115. Jones - A New Era
  116. It Was A Grand Slam!!!!
  117. 6 Nations - A Grand Slam??
  118. Six Nations 2016
  119. A New Captain, A New Start
  120. Welcome to 2016
  121. The Countdown to Christmas
  122. Winter Has Arrived
  123. November Movember
  124. The World Cup Is Over
  125. Rugby World Cup Quarters
  126. Rugby World Cup into the knockout stages
  127. Rugby World Cup Day 9 to Day 24
  128. Rugby World Cup Day 1 to Day 8
  129. Sept 9th to Sept 17th
  130. August 24th to September 7th
  131. August 11th to August 23rd
  132. July 16th to August 9th
  133. July 1st to July 15th
  134. June 17th to June 29th
  135. June 2nd to June 16th
  136. May 19th to June 1st
  137. May 7th to May 17th
  138. April 28th to May 6th
  139. April 22nd to April 27th
  140. April 13th to April 21st
  141. March 13th to Aprill 11th
  142. March 5th to March 12th
Bleater's Blog
  1. The End of the Season Approaches
  2. Ready for the Six Nations??
  3. It Is 2025
  4. It’s Nearly The New Year
  5. The Autumn Internationals are Here!
  6. Season 24/25 is HERE!
  7. The Summer Break - Finally
  8. Summer and The Tours
  9. Cups and Playoffs
  10. The Season Run In
  11. It’s Six Nations Time!
  12. 2024 Has Arrived
  13. It’s Nearly Here…… January
  14. Countdown to Chri….. January!
  15. RWC 2023 - The Final Approaches
  16. The Summer Break
  17. Rugby World Cup 2023 Plus
  18. The Rugby World Cup Approaches
  19. The Final Countdown
  20. The Summer Tours Up Next
  21. Rugby Continues Thankfully
  22. The Six Nations - Happy Days
  23. 2023 Has Arrived
  24. The Halfway Point of the Season
  25. The Season Continues into Autumn
  26. Here we go! A new season
  27. The Twilight Zone
  28. The Season is Nearly Over
  29. The Six Nations and Some
  30. The 6 Nations Begins
  31. 2022 and All THAT!
  32. Christmas is nearly upon us!!
  33. We’re Still Waiting
  34. The Season Progresses
  35. At Last - We are back
  36. The New Season is Nearly Here
  37. Lions Tests are Here!
  38. The Lions Up next
  39. Now It’s Europe
  40. 6 Nations Beckons
  41. 2021 at last! A year of renewed hope!
  42. A New Premiership Season
  43. Still NO Grassroots Rugby!!!!!
  44. It Continues - NO GRASSROOTS RUGBY!!
  45. No End In Sight To The Madness
  46. Autumn Internationals BUT Still NO Crowds
  47. We're Back - In Part At Least
  48. The Restart is Still a Long Way Away
  49. When will we play again?
  50. Time for a beer and a haircut!!
  51. It's easing apparently???!!!
  52. Behind Closed Doors or ...... ??
  53. Lockdown or not to lockdown
  54. The Debate Continues
  55. Yet another new page
  56. The Nightmare Continues - the blog
  57. The Season Grinds to a Halt
  58. The Season Moves On
  59. It's Official - The Drought is Over
  60. 6 Nations Starts
  61. Another New Page - Sorry
  62. 6 Nations Beckons
  63. Welcome To A New Decade
  64. It'll soon be over. Xmas that is
  65. Xmas is Coming
  66. Back to the Grassroots Game
  67. Bleater in Japan
  68. The Grassroots Season Starts
  69. Not Long Now!
  70. Japan Still Beckons
  71. Japan Beckons
  72. Nearly Time To Look Ahead
  73. The Summer Break is Here
  74. The Final Countdown
  75. Yet another section of drivel
  76. The Season Continues for a Little Longer
  77. The 6 Nations Continues
  78. Six Nations and More
  79. It's RWC Year!!
  80. Its Definitely Winter
  81. Winter is here. Brrrr!!!
  82. Its the Autumn, soon to be Winter
  83. We Are Off And Running
  84. The New Season Approaches
  85. Still the Summer Tours Go On
  86. The Summer Internationals Plus, Plus
  87. The Season Climax Approaches
  88. Summer is Coming
  89. Another Section, More Drivel
  90. 2018 Already!!!! It'll soon be Xmas
  91. The Season Approaches the Half Way Point
  92. The Season Takes Shape
  93. The Season Starts
  94. More Pre-Season Build Up
  95. Pre-Season and Other Stuff
  96. The Lions Tested
  97. The Lions Roar
  98. We Are Still Counting Down
  99. It's All About The Lions
  100. The Countdown to Season's End
  101. The Season Continues Apace
  102. It's Time for the 6 Nations
  103. 2017 - Let The Fun Begin
  104. The Big Man Will Be Here Soon
  105. Let's Countdown to You Know What
  106. It's Time For Europe
  107. The Season Is Well Underway
  108. At Last Let The Competition Begin
  109. Not Long to the New Season
  110. Not So Much Rugby Now
  111. Still Plenty of Rugby to Debate
  112. The Summer Break
  113. Here Comes Summer
  114. They Think It's All Over
  115. Jones - A New Era
  116. It Was A Grand Slam!!!!
  117. 6 Nations - A Grand Slam??
  118. Six Nations 2016
  119. A New Captain, A New Start
  120. Welcome to 2016
  121. The Countdown to Christmas
  122. Winter Has Arrived
  123. November Movember
  124. The World Cup Is Over
  125. Rugby World Cup Quarters
  126. Rugby World Cup into the knockout stages
  127. Rugby World Cup Day 9 to Day 24
  128. Rugby World Cup Day 1 to Day 8
  129. Sept 9th to Sept 17th
  130. August 24th to September 7th
  131. August 11th to August 23rd
  132. July 16th to August 9th
  133. July 1st to July 15th
  134. June 17th to June 29th
  135. June 2nd to June 16th
  136. May 19th to June 1st
  137. May 7th to May 17th
  138. April 28th to May 6th
  139. April 22nd to April 27th
  140. April 13th to April 21st
  141. March 13th to Aprill 11th
  142. March 5th to March 12th
Bleater's Blog 1 of 142

1. The End of the Season Approaches

Sunday 30th Mar: 09:25

An hour less in bed is a shocker, but at least we are waking to a gorgeous spring morning. No Crowborough rugby to drone on about this morning so let me look at what else has happened since Thursday.

The big story of course is Bill Sweeney surviving the vote to oust him. That battle was won but the war rages on. The vote for change in how the game is run was well supported. I make no apologies for repeating myself but having followed Welsh rugby for more years than I care to remember I say again ‘be careful what you wish for’. The big demand is for the grassroots game to have more say in how the game is run. It doesn’t work. There will be way too many vested interests and way too many old farts hankering after ye olde days when the ball went into a scrum down the middle. The game in Wales has been held back because of dinosaurs thinking they know best, but disagreeing with the dinosaur in the next valley. The game as a whole is funded effectively by one thing: ticket sales to watch England at Twickenham. A successful England, so lacking of late, is required to keep that funding rolling in. That can’t be controlled by a group of well-meaning, but disparate folks from around the country. I will also add, that if this was so important why was the turnout so very low. According to The Torygraph only 54% of those eligible to vote did so. So, in essence the game wants to be controlled by an apathetic bunch of people.

There is a need for change, including a greater understanding of how the game is run at the grassroots level, and the sort of support clubs need. There has to be a greater oversight of how the money is spent at the top. The Sweeney salary debacle is a perfect example of that. There also needs to for clarity around how the top of the game is managed. In essence the Premiership. There is no guarantee that Newcastle Falcons will survive much longer, and every club is up to their neck in debt. Another well played record: ‘the business model of Premiership rugby is a busted flush’.

Then what do they do about ring-fencing. Despite what the game says the top 10 clubs are protected, and access to the top table is an impossible dream for others. Ealing Trailfinders was a leading voice in the rebel camp. Again running away with the Championship but no chance of getting into that elite league. There is no chance of them having a 10,000 seat stadium. The funding is not there, and the local council would not allow it even if it were. What would Ealing do with a stadium that size when their average gate is 1,000. Ealing only exist thanks to the largesse of Mike Gooley. What happens when he has had enough?? The Guardian leads with the Ealing Trailfinders case. For the record I have no problem with a ring-fenced top flight but with an appropriate pyramid below. A pyramid where clubs are not allowed to buy success thanks to a single benefactor with more money than sense.

I’ll come back to this tomorrow as there are no league results to review.

Well done England, the best ladies team in the world, putting Wales to the sword. I watched some of this but Gloucester v Bristol was a much bigger draw. Wales is a tiny country with limited resources when it comes to ladies rugby. For England it is a different story, but even then they still poach Welsh players!!! As expected France eventually put away a stubborn Scotland in the other game. France played some great rugby, including a superb long range drop goal out of nothing.

Having been for a very long walk yesterday morning, and as a consequence my injured knee playing up, watching Bath v Harlequins made sense. Bath looked like proper title contenders. Yes, there were bits of luck but they played some great rugby. I followed that up with Gloucester v Bristol. That was a cracking game to watch. If you haven’t seen it, try and find online a piece of magic by Tomos Williams. A ‘no-look’ basketball style lob to an onrushing Seb Atkinson for a score under the posts. It was a thing of beauty. Who said a ring-fenced Premiership would be boring!!!

Right, that’ll do for now. I have to read all the hand-wringing, woe is me articles about people protesting about cuts to benefits. Based on the photos and videos I’ve seen, protesters who seem PERFECTLY capable of getting a job. I’m sorry but those who need our help the most are being disadvantaged by scroungers, and cheats. It has to to stop.

As does the flow of illegal immigrants who must be laughing at our stupidity for a) not kicking them out, b) spending billions of them, and c) even when they should be deported our pathetic, lily-livered judiciary accepting the most spurious of excuses for them to stay.

Thursday 27th Mar: 08:50

I have a question for you.

Why when dealing with technology couldn’t I resolve a problem but my 10 year old solved it in a matter of minutes??

Old age doesn’t come on its own, and in old age we are being disenfranchised by the demands of us to use technology!!

What’s coming up Bleater?

Canterbury II away on April 5th. There is a coach, £10 per head, and Canterbury are laying on a curry at £15 per head. If you are interested please get hold of Ian Geering before next Friday please. I assume that is April 4th

April 5th the 2s are at home to Holbrook. K.o. 15:00

April 12th it is Eastbourne away in the ‘slice of pizza cup’.

April 19th it is the annual memorial match. A usually keenly contested match with players young and old turning out. The bar is open from midday and there is a two course lunch, very informal, at £20 from 12:45. Contact Louise to book your place

April 26th it is Cup Final day at Steel Cross INCLUDING Crowborough v Eastbourne at 15:00. The first game kicks off at 11:00. Volunteers will be required to help out on the day.

Watch out for details of the May summer camp for the kids.

May 31st is the Senior Awards Night. Book your place now.

What else is happening. Well, the coaching team for the Irish (& British) Lions Tour of Australia has been announced. As expected it is very Ireland centric. Richard Wigglesworth, England, and John Dalziel, Scotland make the cut. Simon Easterby, Andrew Goodman and John Fogarty, all Ireland make up the rest of the team. The guys already announced were also all out of the Ireland camp. I fear, despite the dip in form of late, the squad will also be Ireland heavy.

On a separate note Andy Farrell is in touch with the French clubs to see if he can secure the early release of players plying their trade in France. Blair Kinghorn and Ben White are the obvious names but Kyle Sinckler, Jack Willis and even Owen Farrell have been mentioned. If Farrell junior goes, I’m sorry that is nepotism of the worst kind. He’s struggling to get in the Racing 92 side, let alone play for the Lions. The Guardian cover this best.

Big day today for Bill Sweeney. It is the vote on whether he should go, or he should stay. I have been reading what the proponents of the rebel motion want to achieve. As feared it is very much what has got Welsh rugby into the fffnnn shambles it is in. That is more power for the grassroots. With that comes dinosaurs with way too many vested interests. Be VERY careful what you wish for. The Torygraph covers this best.

The Hood was in full denial mode yesterday. None of the woes being experienced by the UK, especially British business is her fault. Even The Guardian is sceptical about her denial about future tax rises, nor her defence of benefit cuts. I will say again, it is far too easy for people to cheat the system and claim disability benefit when there is NOTHING wrong with them. The issue is the people who need our support the most are getting penalised because of these crooks. It is also far too easy for fit young people to decide work is not for them. That can be easily changed. If you are out of education, and you haven’t got a job then National Service it is for you.

I see Wales has gone full woke. People can no longer choose what to eat. Your food choice is now dictated by the state. All those lovely biscuits, sweets, soft drinks and even yoghurt are to be tucked away in the corner of shame.

That’ll do for now it’s time for breakfast. Crumpets slathered with marmite, then blueberries, prunes and yoghurt. Mmm delicious.

Wednesday 26th Mar: 09:25

I’ll start with the photo. If you are at the club, have a look at the honours board. On there you will see the name N.Kitto quite a few times. Well, just recently, he reached the tender age of 90. Well done Neville. Also pictured are Graeme Pratt and David Madin, all three were club captains.

The Lions coaches are revealed this morning. I’ll bring you that news tomorrow.

Fascinating piece in The Guardian about how science and technology is shaping the way sport is played, including rugby. You’ve only got to look at the number of people now involved at the top of our sport, and see how many are plugged into their computers watching as the live data is fed into them. Is data itself of value? No, not really. Where things have changed is the insights you get when the mass of data is pulled together and analysed by people who understand the game. However, if as I suspect is the case with Steve Borthwick, you get obsessed by the information you lose touch of what your eyes and your vast array of knowledge tells you is right or wrong.

Some of the very best coaches, like the ones we have at CRFC, can see what is happening both sides of the game, and make adjustments accordingly. They also use each others strengths to identify different areas for change. Someone with an eye for psychology will spot a head drop because of a sliced kick, whereas another will see how the opposition’s defence is causing our angles of running to change. You don’t need data for that, you need experience.

Good piece though. Well worth a read, as Robert Kitson always is.

With no senior CRFC rugby this weekend I might be forced to get the lawnmower out. I don’t know why I bother because after all the rain it is mostly moss anyway.

Plenty of Premiership and URC action to get stuck into. Sale v Saints on Friday for example. On Saturday evening I will be watching Wales v England women. There will only be one winner I’m afraid but that doesn’t stop me supporting the ladies in red. Good old Chris de Burgh song me thinks.

A couple of snippets. Tommy Reffell signs a new deal at Leicester Tigers. Quins Director of Rugby Billy Millard is set to leave at the end of the season. I don’t follow Quins that closely so didn’t know he was there.

Got a nice note from Andy over at Sevenoaks giving me an update on their season. The National League is tough with super ambitious clubs with money to burn, versus those like ‘Oaks still growing their own trees for the future. They have been plagued by injuries which has meant throwing many of their youngsters into the 1st XV leaving the 2nd XV running out as a mix of very old heads or green as grass young ones. I know when we beat them, quite comfortably in the end, it was definitely a side short on experience. Andy also goes on to say that their 2s being promoted would have been a very big challenge indeed. That now is unlikely. Bromley are in the box seat.

I’m struggling to find any other rugby to write about so let me mention Wales in North Macedonia. 2,500 fans travelled from the Principality, I don’t know how they have the time or the money, to support the boys. It was a pretty enjoyable contest with an horrendous mistake in injury time to give North Macedonia the lead, with Wales equalising at the very end. When you watch turgid, kick dominated, stop start rugby, soccer certainly offers more in terms of entertainment. Sadly it does also bring you show ponies who can be knocked over by a feather but roll around if shot by an elephant gun.

Big day for Rachel ‘The Hood’ Reeves. I wouldn’t mind if she was like Robin Hood, but she isn’t. She is more like a hoodlum in the Bronx mugging anyone and everyone, then blowing her ill-gotten gains on people who can’t be arsed to get a job.

What an absolute fiasco in the USA. Extremely sensitive military secrets, including details of an attack on rebels in Yemen, were mistakenly sent to a journalist. Those responsible are so arrogant, and so hypocritical that their mantra is ‘nothing to see here’. Oh yes there is. It is a disgrace.

Finally, can I thank Crowborough RFC for allowing me to write this guff on a regular basis. Right now, looking at the media, it feels like this is the last bastion of any kind of free speech. Look at the US. You disagree with Trump you are closed down. Look at Turkey. Riots as people are prevented from exercising their democratic rights. Sussex University find over £500k for preventing a professor from expressing her views on gender. Long live free speech!!!

Watch out tomorrow for a calendar of events at CRFC over the next few weeks.

Tuesday 25th Mar: 09:30

The Women’s Six Nations kicked off with wins for France, Scotland, and of course England. It wasn’t all plain sailing however. As my good friend James pointed out to me Ireland are no slouches, and so it proved. They put France under pressure for long periods scoring three tries. France weathered the storm, even when down to 14, to finally triumph 27-15.

Scotland and Wales served up, as expected, a decent contest. Wales ill-discipline was at the heart of their defeat. Three tries apiece and a late burst by Wales wasn’t enough. Scotland held on for the narrow win.

England put on a first half masterclass outscoring Italy 33-5. They seemed to go to sleep in the second half for some unknown reason. Just five more points added. England travel to Wales next week expecting another easy game.

So, in addition to watching Crowborough beat Beccehamian I watched Leicester put Saints in their place. Saints were pretty ordinary. Leicester Tigers played some good rugby. On Saturday night Ospreys v Connacht was a cracker. Ospreys racing out to a solid lead in the first half, with Connacht firing on all cylinders in the second. My final game of the weekend was Bath v Gloucester. Another thoroughly enjoyable game with Bath showing why they are serious title contenders. Could Tomos Williams and Finn Russell be a Lions pairing. They both played well on Sunday.

Picking out a few other notable results. Harlequins beat Saracens which I hadn’t expected. Dragons lost at home to Ulster which I had expected. Exeter’s woes continue, losing heavily at Bristol.

The Lions debate continues. Andy Farrell will announce his coaching team this week. It is widely expected to be Irish centric but the media is reporting Richard Wigglesworth is in the frame for one of the roles.

At last the blazers got it right. France’s Peato Mauvaka has been given a proper three match ban for his flying headbutt on Ben White.

Will Bill Sweeney still have a job this week. An EGM is being held where it is possible Sweeney will be ousted. Be careful what you wish for however. If that were to pass it is likely the grassroots game would see themselves has having more power. With that would come way too many vested interests, and too many dinosaurs hankering after ye olde days. This is exactly why Welsh rugby has been held back for way too long. Dinosaurs roaming the valleys thinking only of their themselves, unable to see the bigger picture, and constantly fighting against change.

Last week it was revealed the trialling of ‘away ends’ at rugby was being planned. Like a very good piece in The Guardian by Emma John, I am against this idea. One of the good things about our game is the intermingling of fans. The exchange of opinions, but more importantly banter. No, it is not a good idea.

I spent a bit of time yesterday double checking my assertions about promotion and relegation. I think I got it right, including the slim chance Charlton Park might get a reprieve. Certainly from the clubs I regularly follow on a Monday Tunbridge Wells, Horsham and Brighton are at risk. Chichester are very much at risk of going down. East Grinstead look doomed but Haywards Heath could get a reprieve, especially if Eastbourne do them a favour by resting players in two weeks time. Worthing would need a miracle to stay up. At the other end of things I am pretty sure TJs will get promoted, as will Bromley from our league.

Ok, that’ll do except to say whilst Welsh rugby is on its uppers, Welsh soccer is on the up. A packed Cardiff City stadium was rocking on Saturday night when they beat Kazakhstan. They play North Macedonia tonight, a game covered by BBC Wales. The Women have qualified for the Euros later this year.

The proper news will have to wait. Breakfast beckons. Sorry mum, perhaps I’ll have a good old rant tomorrow.

Late ‘Breaking News’. When we play Canterbury on April 5th there will be a coach to the game. Why not be part of the last game of the season by joining the boys. Exact details to follow.

Monday 24th Mar: 09:55

Not sure how many people read the Monday edition of this guff, but those who do know it is league results round-up day. Let’s crack on as with just one game to go in most cases there is much to ponder.

In Kent 1 we scored a magnificent win over in-form Beccehamians. It keeps us in 4th, but doesn’t guarantee us 4th as I suggested might be the case. Their losing bonus point means we need to get something out of Canterbury II to be certain. As expected Canterbury II beat The Greenies, so its adios to Canterbury II as they are now promoted. Bromley winning at Sevenoaks puts them in line for promotion. Its not guaranteed because a) a resurgent Ashford stand in their way, and b) it depends on how the teams in other leagues perform. Right now, Bromley are up. Ashford beat Deal & Betteshanger 33-28. There is still a risk of both going down but as at today both look safe. Park House beat the doomed Charlton Park, but bizarrely, are they? With extra teams going into the Championship, and fewer teams coming down into Kent 1 there could be a reprieve. Cranbrook are also in the firing line after losing heavily to Dover. Dover are now in 6th.

In Surrey/Sussex 1 Eastbourne put relegated Old Haileyburians to the sword. 77-21 is quite a statement. Eastbourne are in 6th but could with results going their way end up in 5th. Things don’t look as rosy for East Grinstead losing 21-43 to Cobham. Right now they too are relegated. Haywards Heath lost at KCS Old Boys, albeit narrowly in a high scoring game, and they are in the drop zone. According to London RFU website (thank you Tim R) Heath are in the firing line but might get a reprieve. They play Eastbourne at home in the final game of the season. Will Eastbourne rest players ahead of their cup games against Crowborough?? Despite losing heavily at home to Old Rutlishians Hove are looking safe in 8th spot. Twickenham are top with Hove standing in their way in two weeks time.

What a shambles. In Sussex 2 Uckfield are promoted but for the second week in a row the result was a HWO. Brighton II couldn’t get a side out. I’m sorry, but that can’t be right when Brighton are in Regional 1. It is also not fair for Uckfield with another day of zero bar takings. Pulborough still hold sway in 2nd after winning at Crawley. Ditchling put Hove II to the sword. Lewes beat Worthing III comfortably. Seaford had an equally comfortable win over Shoreham. It is unlikely Pulborough will have done enough to secure promotion with teams in other leagues having better records. Where do Uckfield go? Kent 1 or Surrey/Sussex 1.

Looking quickly at two other Kent leagues, Old Elthamians are on their way up. They pretty much walked through Kent 2. In Kent 3 Hastings & Bexhill beat Whitstable and sit in a very creditable 3rd spot. Unsurprisingly TJs II are promoted. I’m sorry but it is a joke that 2nd XV of teams in National Leagues can play this far down the pyramid.

In Hampshire 1 Bognor are looking safe in 6th after beating Portsmouth 20-17. Havant II are promoted. I repeat my comment of earlier.

In Regional 2 Chichester are teetering on the brink. Their loss at home to Winchester keeps them in 10th with Guildford and relegated Andover below them. They travel to Newbury in two weeks time where only a win will suffice. Guildford host Andover.

In Regional 1 Brighton stunned Tunbridge Wells with a 22-29 victory, keeping Brighton’s slimmest of slim hopes of survival alive. TWells travel to high flying Jersey on April 5th. Brighton are at Hammersmith & Fulham. Horsham did themselves a power of good beating Camberley 28-19. They travel to Maidenhead looking for the win that would keep them up if TWells lose. Much to play for at the bottom. London Welsh are up.

In National League 2 TJs got their show back on the road with a win over Bury St Edmunds. They are still favourites for promotion. At the other end of the table Worthing enjoyed a rare win, albeit over lowly Colchester. Sevenoaks lost at home to Westcombe Park. Worthing remain bottom and favourites for the drop. Sevenoaks are in 11th and currently safe.

It wouldn’t be Monday without me telling you that Salisbury lost at home to Melksham, and Bridgnorth beat Derby. Neither are in danger of promotion, or relegation.

That’ll do for now. I’ll look at the Women’s Six Nations tomorrow, along with the Premiership and URC results.

Sunday 23rd Mar: 10:00

As I’m doing the match report this also means it is the blog.

I would add that it was a splendid pre-match lunch. The food was AMAZING, and the place looked great. Stuart Thresher was entertaining and President Clark was on fine form

When I say the pitch was ‘hard’ in the report, what I meant was ‘concrete’ in parts.

I think I use the word banal about some comments from the balcony. What I really meant was irrelevant clap-trap……… some amusing however.

League round-up tomorrow.

Crowborough 28 Beccehamian 21

The final league game at Steel Cross was a cracker. The pitch now hard after a spell of dry weather was all set for a contest where no quarter was asked for, no quarter given. Two sides separated by only a point before kick off both giving their all, delivering some rugby of the highest quality, some rugby riddled with basic mistakes, a game where tackling was ferocious, and the result in doubt until the final whistle. The large and vociferous crowd having enjoyed an excellent pre-match lunch played their part too. Erudite analysis, and the banal, adding to the day’s enjoyment.

The early exchanges went the way of Crowborough with the visitors getting on the wrong side of the referee. Following a series of penalties deep in the Beccehamian half young Sam Marchesi tapped and went catching the visitors defence napping for the opening try. The extra points sailed wide.

The try spurred Beccs into action with them using the ball well with backs and forwards looking lively. It was now the home side irritating the referee, and after a series of indiscretions Beccs found themselves 30 metres out in front of the posts. With the game only 10 minutes or so gone they opted for the points. The kick was successful. 5-3.

Straight from the resulting kick off Crowborough managed to turn the ball over and opted to spin it wide. Quick hands from Marchesi to Jared Hermann and then a speculative pass out wide from Oscar Thatcher found the Beccs winger, George Wipka, lurking. He took the ball, turned and spun, and then cantered 55 metres for an interception try under the posts. With the conversion added the score had quickly become 5-10 to the visitors.

The game became a battle of the defences. Both side used the ball well with both sets of backs looking pacy, and both sets of forwards willing to offload out of contact to keep the ball alive. The set piece was evenly contested making for an intriguing tactical battle. Beccehamian, who have been in fine form of late started to dominate and were rewarded with a well deserved try. Following a period of intense pressure, the heroic home defensive line finally subsided with the visitors crashing over wide out for their second score. 5-15.

As was the nature of this enthralling encounter each score was met with a response. Crowborough playing some excellent 15 man rugby led by Dave Bennett, and Andy Kidd up front and the Marchesi brothers in the backs keeping the opposition on their toes. ‘Borough went close after their period of possession deep in the Beccs half but one pass too many saw ‘Borough isolated. The ball was turned over and the pressure alleviated.

It wasn’t long before the boys from Steel Cross were on the front foot again. A Beccs error gifted the ball to Crowborough, and with sensible and accurate passing the ball found its way into the hands of Josh Jarvis wide out who then out paced the scampering defence for the try. 10-15.

The game became a little attritional as both sides tried to break down each others defensive wall. The tackling was outstanding so both sides resorted to the arial game. After a period of what seemed aimless kicking Crowborough went ahead. Beccs sliced the ball wide into the waiting arms of Sam Skinner. He galloped deep into the visitors half before releasing the supporting runners. It was the whipper-snapper Sam Marchesi who latched onto the final pass for the score. The extra two points put Crowborough into the lead. 17-15.

The game ebbed and flowed with free-flowing open rugby but with the scoreboard being untroubled until close to half time. ‘Borough started to miss first-up tackles allowing Beccs to get deep into the home half. After a series of penalties being conceded, one of which saw Andy King having ten minutes on the ‘naughty step’ the visitors opted for an easy three points to take the lead. 17-18 at half time.

The second half started really scrappily with both sides now throwing wayward passes and failing to retain possession. The game was still entertaining with ambition winning over pragmatism. The play ebbed and flowed with neither side taking charge. It was the visitors who slowly started to win the at contact, keeping Crowborough’s defence on their toes. They still couldn’t break that defensive wall down so opted to extend the lead with a well struck penalty. ‘Borough now trailed 17-21 with time tick away.

The game again became an arm wrestle before a moment of brilliance from the home back line. Having not found a way through the Beccs’ defence the Steel Cross boys threw the ball around like the Harlem Globetrotters. Overhead, underhand, and a final lob pass and the ball found its way into the hands of Will Pitman. With many metres to go and defenders to beat it looked an impossible task. Pitman turned on the afterburners leaving the visitors defence in his wake for a score wide out. 22-21.

Two sides eager to win kept trying to play with ambition. As the sides tired so the accuracy of passing and ability to keep the ball in contact dipped, but it remained a throughly enjoyable, and tense affair. The visitors had the upper hand and kept ‘Borough under pressure. They missed two kicks at goal as the clock ticked on, and when opting to keep ball in hand couldn’t make their final passes stick. The home side stuck to their task, and with a little luck late on held on for the win and the five points.

Crowborough remain in 4th but need a single point out of the Canterbury II fixture in two weeks time, or for Beccehamians to get nothing out of their home fixture against Sevenoaks II to end the season in 4th.

A cracking game played in a great spirit, well refereed.

Thursday 20th Mar: 09:30

I covered the important games in Kent 1 yesterday so let me look across the other leagues and see what’s what. In Surrey/Sussex 1 East Grinstead host Cobham, Eastbourne host lowly Old Haileyburians, Hove are at home to Old Rutlishians, and Haywards Heath travel to KCS Old Boys. Hove have the toughest task as their opposition is still in with a very good chance of promotion. Defeats for EG and Heath are likely to condemn them both to relegation. Eastbourne can build on what has been a good season so far as OH are currently bottom.

In Sussex 2 Uckfield are already promoted but can put icing on the cake with a win against Brighton II. Pulborough keen to cement 2nd spot travel to Crawley. Seaford v Shoreham is the pick of the fixtures.

Elsewhere a huge day in Regional 1 with Tunbridge Wells hosting Brighton. A win for the St Marks crew will send Brighton down. A result the other way could put Tunbridge Wells in the firing line for relegation. Horsham host Camberley. The Sussex outfit are also in danger and need to win and win well to have any hope of staying up. A London Welsh win at Wimbledon sees them promoted to the National League. A remarkable journey upwards and onwards.

Our game at Steel Cross gets underway at 15:00.

A mention for walking rugby. Now the lighter nights are here and the weather is on the up ‘IT’S BACK!!’. Thursday evening at 6pm. ALL are welcome. The bar is open and Jacqui does a lovely curry on Thursday nights at an amazing price.

Abi Tierney has finally fronted up and said the WRU is to blame for the dire state of the game in Wales. There are plans in place, recruitment is ongoing, and there will be four regions. Fair enough, but the game has to be joined up from top to bottom with everyone singing off the same hymn sheet. The player pathways have to be improved. We need to get the best players playing at the highest level across all age groups more often.

Ms Tierney’s counterpart in the RFU, Bill Sweeney, is again ruffling feathers. He is threatening to move the game to Birmingham or Milton Keynes if he can’t use the stadium more often for non rugby events. At the moment usage is very restricted. I’m not sure the council are going to bow to pressure. In fact, I think the council and the locals would be quite happy to see the stadium move elsewhere. The transport links are dire and adding more events without this being resolved is madness.

It comes as no surprise that Championship clubs, led by Coventry, are saying the Premiership needs more clubs. If Newcastle go out of business then a nine team Premiership is unsustainable I would have thought. The BBC Sport Website carries the article.

If you have access to SKY and/or TNT there is a veritable cornucopia of games to choose from. Super Rugby on Friday and Saturday morning. Premiership across the weekend. Key Welsh URC games via S4C if you have masochistic tendencies.

Taking a quick look at the papers it is saddening to read that Eddie Jordan, charismatic F1 legend has passed away. In his last weeks on this mortal coil he led a consortium trying to rescue and resurrect London Irish.

I’ve made enough noise about the Ukraine and Gaza situations so I’ll leave that for another day. I will leave with you a question to ponder.

Why does this Government feel it is right to burden business thus putting people out work, and steal from hard working farmers, all in order to pay people who decide not to work. It is the politics of fools, Yes or No?

Wednesday 19th Mar: 08:35

Just a short missive this morning as much to do on this bright Wednesday morning. In no order I see Peato Mauvaka has been cited for his deliberate head-butt at Scotland’s Ben White. Justice hopefully will be done and he gets a ban for his act of thuggery. The fact he has been cited reinforces my view that the new bunker system isn’t fit for purpose. Matthew Carley and crew bottled the decision on Saturday evening totally missing the point that Mauvaka’s actions were intentional. Referee’s cannot abdicate responsibility to some faceless wonder in the so called bunker. The TV images should have been enough to show that the incident was a straight red card.

There are still a lot of games to go in the Championship but table topping Ealing Trailfinders have been told already that they do not meet the criteria for promotion. The only club that does is Doncaster and they are closer to the foot of the table than they are to the top. What makes this announcement contentious is it comes at the same time Newcastle Falcons have announced a recruitment freeze following heavy financial losses. The Falcons have teetered on the brink for some time and it seems their days are numbered.

A big weekend in Kent 1 lies ahead. A bonus point win for us over Beccs will guarantee us 4th spot. That is far from certain as Beccehamian have been on fire of late. We can’t be sure of a win let alone a bonus point win, but at home the boys have been superb, so fingers crossed. A Beccs win puts them in the driving seat with us away at Canterbury II in the final game, they host Sevenoaks II who have slipped back of late. The Greenies take on Canterbury II, a game in which a Canterbury win puts them up. I think my maths are right by saying if that were to happen the best H&W RFC could finish is 5th. A huge day for Bromley. A win at Sevenoaks II and they are pretty certain of promotion. It’ll be clearer come Saturday evening.

I’ll look at fixtures elsewhere tomorrow.

Looking at our website put April 12th, 19th and 26th in your diaries. We travel to Eastbourne in the slice of pizza cup on the 12th, the club holds its annual memorial jamboree on the 19th, and it is the Bob Rogers Cup final on the 26th at Steel Cross when we face Eastbourne again.

The Premiership and the URC returns this weekend. Some cracking ties to welcome them back. The East Midlands derby on Friday evening, Saracens v Quins on Saturday, and Bath v Gloucester on Sunday all leap off the page.

The Women’s Six Nations is well worth watching too. Following my comments of yesterday the organisers clearly agree with me in that England v France brings the tournament to an end on 26th April.

England have added an extra fixture against the USA to their summer tour. Two tests against Argentina and now a trip to Washington on 19th July.

I see Georgia are demanding a play-off against Wales, and therefore access to the Six Nations. Whilst there is a high probability Georgia would win, it ain’t going to happen.

Before I go the much touted Russia - Ukraine ceasefire has not materialised. I said it wouldn’t as Putin now knows he has the upper hand and will exploit that for all its worth. Knowing a little about Russia I wouldn’t trust them to abide by it any way.

The benefit shake-up is a PR exercise at best. They are not going to save £5bn unless they get to grips with the bone-idle and the disability cheats. Anyone after leaving school and under 25 who isn’t in higher education and is without a job should do national service. The ease with which people can claim disability benefits is a disgrace. Those in real need are being hung out to dry by those claiming to be mentally unfit for work, but in truth are bone-idle scroungers. It got my back up yesterday listening to people who were smokers, with expensive tattoos, claiming they couldn’t afford to live on the benefits they get now, let alone after any talked about cuts. The system is broken. Rant over. I’m off for a haircut. That is a cut that can be guaranteed.

Tuesday 18th Mar: 10:00

The women’s Six Nations kicks off this coming weekend. The pick of the fixtures is Saturday evening when Scotland host Wales. Bleater you are so one-eyed. No, this is simple logic. England will win the tournament by a margin. The only challenge to England will be France, and as France travel to Ireland and England host Italy, by default the pick of the weekend has to be Scotland v Wales. England play on Sunday.

My one concern is the women’s game going the way of the men’s and the biggest side physically dominates. We’ll know soon enough.

Is the discipline system broken at the top of the game. I never thought I would say this, but yes it is. The 20 minute red card is going to be a thugs charter and is already broken. How can you condone extremely dangerous tackles like the one perpetrated by Garry Ringrose and Romaine Ntamack that result in just a 20 minute red card. Ntamack’s was a blatant, deliberate act of foul play. Yes, Ringrose’s was more reckless than intentional but nevertheless neither punishment fit the crime. A two match and one match suspension is a joke. Then you have the outrageous deliberate flying head-butt by Peato Mauvaka. ‘It was of low force therefore of low danger’. What nonsense. This was a deliberate act of thuggery that resulted in just a yellow card. Intent to harm was clearly present. I’m sorry but this has to stop. Someone at the top of the game is going to get seriously hurt because the blazers have lost all sense of reality. If they had their eyes open and their brains in gear they would remember that a serious, and potentially massively expensive lawsuit is waiting in the wings. The game has to do more to protect players from serious injury. This VERY soft justice is not the way to do that.

Moving on. Still plenty of time for players to make an impression ahead of Lions selection. I’ll be amazed if more than Jac Morgan from Wales is on the plane to Australia. That said Dewi Lake and Tomos Williams are in with a shout, and as a left field selection, Max Llewellyn. The entire Scottish back line wouldn’t be out of place in Lions jerseys. Way too many permutations to ponder but if he stays fit I think Maro Itoje has to lead the squad as he is nailed on for a starting spot, unlike Caelan Doris.

Where I have a concern, strangely enough, is with the coaching set-up. Andy Farrell is the right choice, however it looks as if the rest is going to be very Irish centric. I think that will be a problem with team morale. Simon Easterby looks certain to be going, and with the names already confirmed also from the Ireland camp, maybe, just maybe, for once, I have a point????

Premiership is going to test away zones for fans at two games: Saracens v Gloucester and Leicester Tigers v Harlequins. The idea is to generate more atmosphere. Fans will still be able to intermingle as is the case now, and long may that continue. I have mixed feelings. I think it will create a more exciting atmosphere but I worry it won’t take long for that to spill over into the sort unpleasant tribalism that we see at football matches. I also fear that the psychology of any mob is it only takes one, and as an example you have several thousand fans baying for the referee’s blood. Now that would be a disastrous outcome. Like many ideas it is worth testing.

The soap opera that is the WRU continues. Where do Wales go next? Who would want to join an organisation that seems bereft of ideas on how to solve the problem, and where they have good ideas, the dinosaurs still roaming in the background get in the way.

I’ll start looking ahead to next weekend tomorrow. It is the final big set-piece league lunch at Steel Cross on Saturday. I know places are going quickly but there are still places available.

I haven’t had a proper trawl through the papers this morning but I see Israel have bombed Gaza again with many lives lost. Cancel me if you like but have the Israelis not learnt anything from history. How does this differ from the atrocities in the Warsaw ghetto in 1940. You can’t be persecuted and persecutor at the same time.

Putin isn’t going to agree to a ceasefire now he has a better hand to play. I fear for the future of Ukraine.

Finally I see the lily-livered in our Government are happy to let people live at taxpayers expense and make no contribution to British society. The benefit budget is out of control. People are cheating the system on an hourly basis, and the number of non-British citizens receiving benefits is a crime. You want a fairer Britain Sir U-Turn? Then make it fairer for ALL which includes those who work hard and pay their taxes.